July 26, 2013
Hi Tom,
It was great to have a visit with you this past week and reminisce about times past that had many good memories of you visits to Burlington Steel and Atlas Welland. You took some great pictures of the operations that will be kept for future generations of the Industry
Many thanks for your gift of the Industrial photography book you had produced of the several different Industries in our community and the great shots of Jayne Mansfield and Patsy Cline. Even my kids recalled these gals with delight. I will treasure this book and show it off on many occasions
Best wishes,
Bruce Hamilton (former President Slater Steel/Atlas Steel)
February 5, 2013
Hello Mr. Bochsler,
Thank you very much for the kind gift of the Industrial photography book, being a steel manufacturing company ourselves we found it quite interesting.
Scott Jones in marketing has worked with your studios in the past, pictures of our toilet partitions were taken and I understand they won awards for Bochsler Studios.
He went on in great detail about the amount of time and lighting required to get the pictures taken, I can only imagine the effort required to take some of the great shots that are in your book.
I personally have always been a fan of art and photography, particularly impressive is how an artist can take something very ordinary and find beauty in it.
You have accomplished this on numerous pages.
By the way you have met Johnny Cash twice, that must have been a thrill and even more significant as time goes by.
The man is a true legend. Since I’m a big fan I had to mention it.
Thanks Again,
Tom Wilkie, Senior Buyer, Hadrian Mfg.
November 27, 2012
…for your beautiful Industrial photography book! It’s a delight of creativity and abstract art – along with amusing scenes. I especially like the Railcar Paint Drying Chamber, and the symmetrical kegs. But really every page has delights. Thank you, you’re so kind!
I’ll write to Marianne to thank her for the illumination.
Best wishes,
October 15, 2012
Hi Tom,
I want to thank you for your most interesting presentation last night. Being involved with the program I am always conscious of the audiences reaction to the speakers and I can tell you that I was extremely pleased with all of the good comments I heard about your talk and slides.
Thanks Tom for donating your Industrial photography book to the Society. I prize the copy that you gave to me. Thank you again for making it such an enjoyable evening
Ken Davies, Burlington Historical Society, Program Chair
August 3, 2012
Hello Tom,
Thanks SO VERY MUCH for your fantastic Industrial photography book. My wife and I find ourselves going back to it several times and even our grandkids (10 & 7 years) have been found looking through it – entirely on their own. The did not know for example that cars (Studebakers) were once made in Hamilton. We even drove them by the old plant where the cars were made.
Thanks again for the invitation to speak to the Probus Club.
Enjoy the remaining summer & hope our paths pass again – real soon!
Dr. Frank Stechey
July 24, 2012
Sorry to take so long in getting back with my comments on your generous gift. I had placed your Industrial Photography book on a plastic box full of old things worth preserving in my office and forgot it was there. Finally I discovered it and took some time to work through the pages. It is a great visual tribute to an outstanding career. There is no doubt that you were “the best”. While you didn’t do much for us, whatever you did was of exceptional quality. Glad you took the time to put this collection of memories together. It should last forever! And thank you.
Sandy George (Sandy) Thomson, Chairman, Thomson-Gordon Group
December 20, 2011
Hello Mr. Bochsler,
I just want to let you know how much I’ve been enjoying your Industrial Photography book “The Art of Industry”.
My wife Daina happened to hear you discussing it on Judy Marsales’ radio program last August.
I had remarked that I’d like to have a copy, and she followed up by getting it for me as a Christmas gift. She really appreciated your helpfulness as she sought locations to purchase it.
As a life-long resident of the Hamilton area, I have a keen interest in local history, including the city’s rich industrial heritage (I’m a member of the board and marketing chair of the Dundas Museum and Archives).
I was thus especially interested in your photos depicting Hamilton-area factories, particulary the Westinghouse works, as both my father and father-in-law were employees of that company.
Congratulations on producing such an excellent record of you work!
Tom Tustian – purchased a book from AGH
June 16, 2011
Dear Tom,
Thank you for your splendid Industrial Photography book of photographs. The book is a testimonial to your rare talent and insight. I know that I will maintain interest in it and derive enjoyment from it for a long time. Thank you once again for the drive back and forth. It afforded me the pleasure of renewing an old acquaintanceship and discussing many areas of interest. My best wishes for a summer of good health with your loved ones.
Rabbi Bernard Baskin
May 7, 2011
Could you sign it something like, “Niklas, Your wife sensed something special about my Industrial Photography book and thought it connected with your own life’s work in ‘industry’. She thought you needed this! Happy Father’s Day to you.”
Thank you again, Tom. I saw one of the “industrial photography” photos at your website (I think, or perhaps at the From the Heart Publishers’ site?), one that featured finished coils of some sort of metal, I think also some yellow colored scaffolding, and that made me think it really does take a special photographer to see the art in that work. Many people see a messy, loud, maybe insignificant workplace; people who see the art in it see that the metals industry affects nearly every single person on earth in different ways, in how essential it is to a “civilized” life. That particular photo just seemed, to me, to honor what was going on in it.
Annie Almstedt, Columbus, Ohio
March 27, 2011
Dear Tom,
What a surprise to get such a beautiful book! Maureen and Albert sent me your book.
I like this Industrial Photography photo-book very much. It shoes Canada like it is, from a part which tourists don’t realize to exist during their visit. I also like the very interesting comments that not only give reality comments but also comments of the live that belongs to these pictures and to you. Congratulations for this excellent book!
December 28, 2010
I spent several pleasant hours looking at your photos in the Industrial Photography book and enjoying the stories behind them. You are a very creative man. While the photos speak for themselves your narrative answers the questions we have. Thank you for sharing your experiences. I particularly enjoyed “Tom & Bob” in the sunbeams of the Slater Industries factory. This brought back memories of my early telecom career (1961) when I conducted a week long ‘station user review” at Raybestos Manhattan, the “brake lining” manufacturer in Peterborough. While I have no photo I can still see, in my minds eye, the asbestos crystals dancing in the brilliant sunshine streaming into the factory. I remember,”in my youthful ignorance”, telling the workers that they should have to pay to work in that environment. As I am sure that many of them later perished from their work experience I hope they forgive me. Like so many things in life asbestos can be beautiful and deadly.
Again Tom, thanks for compiling and sharing.
John McCarthy
December 21, 2010
Hi Tom,
I am finally sitting down to send off a long overdue note. I apologize for my tardiness. I’m not sure if you are aware that my company also does pre made arrangements for Loblaw and Sobeys stores. We have been flat out since the 15th of November and have just sent the last of the items off in boxes. Needless to say it has been a bit crazy here. I would have loved to have been able to attend your Industrial Photography book launch and hope it was a great success! I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on an amazing career and to thank you for sharing your “vision”. Merry Christmas and much success and happiness in 2011.
Warm Wishes,
Kathy Mustard
December 21, 2010
Hi Tom,
Thank you for the lovely gift of your industrial photography book. I will treasure it. Sandy, nor I, expected such a present. I have really enjoyed working at your studio over the years. This will be a fond memory (if I ever retire!) of all my experiences. You inspire us all; I hope to follow in your foot-steps and keep on working forever!!!
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family. And a great time in 2011.
Thanks again for your thoughtfulness.
Sue Bailey
December 18, 2010
Hi Tom,
Looks like it was a moment in history Tom. Congratulations on your accomplishment. This Industrial Photography book has to go to National Archives. I will pick my copy up on my next trip to Chapters.
All the best for the New Year and enjoy retirement my friend.
Andre and Micheline Amyot, Photographers